A talented self-taught visual artist in the industry since '93 who has covered a lot of ground and who has crossed many different barriers with his art, doing such things as Greetingcards, Apparel design, Logo designs, Graffiti art, Packaging designs,Tattoo art, Animation, Comic book Inking Projects & Illustrations, Children's coloring Books, Gallery Art and toy designs. More of his work can be seen at www.wiseapple.biz Inspired by world events as well as a chance meeting with another person who tries to help contribute to society in a positive way and maybe help bring the world together, help children and wildlife as well. The idea behind LiL Nayshunz is to possibly educate children at an early age about other cultures, to maybe erase the ignorance in the world today and maybe replace it with understanding and Unity. Robert S.Luciano is ready to take the toy industry (as well as the world) by storm with his creations!This is where you can put all the page text for each page